The FLOWER FUTURE AI Series by Michelle Samson explores an alternate future with flowers reimagined and as an afterthought.
Somewhere in Greenwich Village in New NYC. Year 2340.
Wicker Park, New Chicago, IL, now a river town with main street river market place where the community connects. No electronics. Year 2340.
People connecting with community and spending time with loved ones like reading together, having picnics, relaxing etc. away from the screen and work. Washington Square Park in New NYC. Year 2340.
Climate change is going to eventually eliminate existing coastal cities as sea levels rise. One solution is potentially building an artificial metropolis, a floating city that could withstand floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes. The floodproof city itself would be groups of interlocking octagon or hexagon or triangle shaped floating platforms. The city would rise with the sea and produces its own food, energy, and freshwater.
1) Cages underneath the platforms could be used for bivalve farming to harvest clams, mussels, scallops as well as farming kelp, and other seafood.
2) Aquaponic farming systems could use waste from fish to fertilize plants grown on the platforms. And the fish could be another food resource.
3) Seaweed could be used as a raw material for building houses as it is non-toxic, naturally fireproof, exhibits outstanding acoustic properties, and has the ability to absorb and give off moisture – thus helping to regulate the indoor climate.
4) Electricity would be powered mainly by solar generated on-site, and sewage would be treated locally and repurposed as manure for plants.
5) As an alternative to air conditioning, the city could use deep water sea cooling, which involves pumping cold water from the deep sea to help conserve energy.
6) Smaller offshoot communities consisting of floating homes could be built closer to the new coastline.
The downsides to this idea are feasibility, cost, the wisdom of building new infrastructure offshore when so much of what we have on land needs upgrading. There's the socioeconomic aspect like could this idea be affordable or would it be exclusive to the wealthy. Also this might not be the solution for all cities. Like if a city has a population of over a million people, they could possibly still be displaced.
A floating community somewhere in New Virginia Beach, VA. Year 2340.
The sharing of food has connected and brought people together since the beginning of time. It connects us to each other, to our own pasts and identities/memories, and to the larger world around us. It’s how we make friends, nurture relationships, celebrate milestones, mend conflicts, and feel gratitude for life. Good food is the one thing that never fails to bring people together. The emotions that come from sharing food are universal. It conquers all, from language barriers to cultural differences. Cesar Chavez once said, "If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.”
"Have you eaten yet?" is a common greeting in Filipino (along with other Asians) homes, often taking the place of "How are you?" Many Filipinos will tell you it's the first question that's asked when a loved one walks in the door, because, culturally, food is much more than just something to eat. Food can be its own language of love and appreciation, or even its own apology.
The children of Filipino parents are often shown love through acts of service, primarily through the making and sharing of food. Filipino and many Asian parents find it hard to say, "I love you," "I'm proud of you," or "I'm happy for you" because of past histories and family struggles. They may never have heard "I love you" from their own parents or families and it may feel uncomfortable or strange to hear it, much less say it. We pass on what we have been taught and what we know. For many Filipino and Asian parents, they know a lot about showing their love through food and action, and less so through words of affirmation. It doesn't matter if you're not listening to what your parents want. At the end of the day, they'll still prepare food for you.
A community somewhere in Fremont, CA. Year 2340.
Sometimes it seems NYC forgot about The Bronx and these days it seems to be like the wild west per a few people I know who grew up there or live close by.
Did you know that The Bronx was declared the most diverse county in America? According to the Census Bureau, if you take two random Bronxites, there’s an 89.7% chance that they will be of a different race and ethnicity. Hip Hop was born in the Bronx...Grand Master Flash, DJ Kool Herc just to name a few. Salsa also originated in The Bronx.
In the future, The Bronx is not only a vibrant cultural hub, but it is also a center for sustainable textile innovation. The NYBG houses an arts, science, and technology school embedded within the existing community specializing in textiles, botany, horticulture, and design. Examples of study paths include botany tied to creating sustainable textiles. Several plants, fruits, and seeds are either being rediscovered or newly processed to develop new fabrics that can heal the planet. An example: feasability of genetically reengineering hemp for use as clothing and interior fabric. Other study paths include horticulture, master gardening, textile research, design (fashion, interior, industrial, textile, floral), master pattern making & sewing including use of upcycled clothing, and weaving. Students can also be found studying, researching, and finding inspiration outside of campus like on Wave Hill and Thain Family Forest, hanging out on Sedgewick Avenue, Grand Concourse, or at student housing at the former Villa Charlotte Bronte in the Palisades, night life on Arthur Avenue, fried chicken from Kennedy's, a slice of pizza from Louie & Ernie's...Puerto Rican-style mofongo, Cuban sandwiches, and Mexican tacos.. seafood on City Island.
Various parts of The Bronx. Year 2340.